Sunday, November 8, 2009

Lemon Curd Layer Cake

My Husband saw this being done on Celebrity Masterchef and asked me to make it. Always up for a challenge I did just that. It ended up being quite easy cooking wise. Just fiddly & time consuming because of having to cool each layer before proceeding. I used powdered gelatine as couldn't be bothered driving around Sydney looking for the sheets. Also reduced the amount of zest in the curd and used fresh passionfruit instead of juice. Stephanie Alexander's original recipe can be found here:-

Lemon Filling
1 tablespoon powdered gelatine
150ml Juice & rind of 1 lemon
6 egg yolks
½ cup castor sugar
100g soft butter, chopped
150ml cream
2 tablespoons boiling water

¾ cup plain flour
½ tsp salt
3 eggs
80g melted butter
1 cup milk
extra melted butter

Cream layer
600ml cream
1 teaspoon powdered gelatine
1 tablespoon boiling water

Jelly Topping
1 & 1/2 tablespoons powdered gelatine
Pulp of 1 passionfruit
Juice of 2 squeezed oranges (about 3/4 cup)

To make lemon filling, dissolve gelatine in hot water. Put juice, rind, egg yolks and sugar into a saucepan and whisk well to combine. Add the soft butter. Cook on a low to medium heat, stirring all the time, until the curd has thickened. Take off heat & add gelatine into the lemon curd mixture. Pour into a bowl, cover with a piece of buttered paper to prevent a skin forming. Chill in fridge until cool. Place the lemon curd in the bowl of an electric mixer. Stir through 150 ml of cream and beat until thick. Put in fridge to cool again before assembling the ‘cake’.

To make crepes, sift the flour and the salt. Place in the food-processor and whirl in the eggs, the melted butter and the milk. Stop the machine and scrape the base of the bowl at least once. The mixture should be like thin cream. Adjust with a little extra milk if necessary. Allow to stand for 15minutes before using. Heat a crepe pan over medium heat. Remove from heat brush with extra butter then pour ¼ cup mixture into centre of pan, swirl quickly to coat pan. Cook for 30 seconds, turn over and cook for a further 30 seconds or until cooked. Repeat with remaining mixture. Separate crepes with a piece of baking paper.

To make cream layer, dissolve the gelatine using boiling water. Add the gelatine to the cream and whip until very thick. Refrigerate until required.

To assemble, place one of the pancakes in a lined spring form tin, spread with 1/5 of the lemon curd. Place a second crepe over the first. Spread with approximately a quarter of the whipped cream. Continue in this manner until the tenth and final crepe has been placed in position. Put in fridge to set

To make the topping, dissolve the gelatine in boiling water. Pour the dissolved mixture into the combined orange/passionfruit juice. Allow to cool in fridge. When the fruit jelly is just turning syrupy, remove the assembled ‘cake’ from the refrigerator and pour over the topping. Return to the fridge and leave until set (at least 2 hours).

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